What Is Y Sustain Board

Y Sustain Board is a platform where social enterprises, non-profits, impact investors, and other actors can collaborate on innovative projects that address sustainability challenges. The Board aims to facilitate collaboration and matchmaking between young entrepreneurs and impact investors. What is Y Sustain Board? This board operates as a hybrid hub.

What Is Y Sustain Board? What is the mission of the Y Sustain Board?

Y Sustain Board aims to inspire and connect change-makers to create innovative solutions for sustainability challenges. To achieve this, they provide a collaborative and structured platform for members from the social enterprise and investment sectors to come together.

Y Sustain Board’s mission is to scale up sustainable solutions for a better world by facilitating collaboration and providing access to impact investment at scale. Y Sustain Board helps social entrepreneurs to access financing and scalable solutions to scale their business and reach global markets to create societal and economic impact.

The Board supports investment in social enterprises by providing access to investment opportunities and knowledge through their platform and network.

Activities of Y Sustain Board

It has three main activities:

  • Matchmaking between entrepreneurs and impact investors – to support entrepreneurs to scale up their ventures and help them access investment at scale.
  • Networking and knowledge-sharing – enable entrepreneurs and investors to access relevant opportunities and knowledge.
  • Peer learning and skill-building – to develop the capacity of social enterprises and impact investors.

Memberships at the Board

Board members can be social entrepreneurs, impact investors, advisers, and other stakeholders interested in sustainability and impact. The hub offers different types of memberships: 

  • Entrepreneurs can apply to be part of their challenge-based accelerator programs. These are short-term programs for solving specific challenges, where the participants receive coaching and mentoring support from experts and investors.
  • Investors can apply to join Y S-LAB (Board’s investment network) to access investment opportunities and network with other investors.
  • Advisors can join the network to support entrepreneurs or investors.
  • Network members can join the community with other stakeholders to gain access to knowledge, opportunities, and events.
  • Ambassadors can apply to become a representative of the Board.

Resources and Services of The Board

This Board offers resources and services for members, including events and workshops on business modeling and fundraising, developing strategies for scaling up ventures, and developing new business models for tackling sustainability challenges.

  • Events and workshops are organized at Y Sustain Board’s physical space in Berlin and its online platform.
  • The Board partners with brands and organizations to support the development of specific sectors and topics, such as sustainability innovation, sustainability impact investment, and sustainable design.

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