How To Clean Knee Sleeves

Knee sleeves are an essential piece of equipment for CrossFitters, weightlifters, powerlifters, and other athletes who regularly squat or perform knee-dominant lifts. They’re often quite affordable, but with prolonged wear and frequent use, even cheap knee sleeves will eventually succumb to sweat, oils from your skin, and general grime from the gym. Read on for tips about how to clean knee sleeves, so they remain performance-ready for as long as possible.


When you’re ready to clean your knee sleeves, you’ll need the following supplies:

  • Water: Hot water is best, but cold water will work too.
  • Mild Detergent: Choose a gentle detergent that won’t damage fabrics or irritate your skin. Avoid whitening agents, optical brighteners, and enzymes, which can leave residue behind.
  • Cleaning Cloth: Make sure the cloth is clean and dry, so you don’t transfer dirt or germs from your hands to the knee sleeves. 
  • Squeegee or Scrub Brus: For deep cleaning and removing built-up grime.
  • Dryer: If you’re washing knee sleeves that are already dirty and grimy, air-drying them may not be an option.


New knee sleeves are usually made from fabric. Fabric is relatively easy to clean and can withstand multiple wash cycles. Wash new knee sleeves in cool or warm water with a mild detergent. You can also add a bit of vinegar to remove odors and soften the fabric.

Do not use hot water when you clean new knee sleeves. Excessive heat can cause the fabric to shrink and deform. Air-dry new knee sleeves. If you need them cleaned and dried quickly, use a dryer on a low or gentle setting. While you wait, check the knee sleeves for loose thread, seams, and other potential issues.

How To Clean Used Knee Sleeves

If you’ve owned your knee sleeves for an extended period, they may have built-up oils and other grime that can damage the fabrics and inhibit performance. Wash used knee sleeves with warm water and a mild detergent. Ensure the detergent breaks down oils and other grime but doesn’t damage fabrics.

Rinse the knee sleeves thoroughly and machine-wash them with a bit of bleach to disinfect them and remove any lingering odors. Be sure to use a high-temperature cycle to get the fabrics as clean as possible. Air-dry used knee sleeves. If you’re in a rush, use the gentle cycle on a dryer, but don’t use high heat.

Tips For Maintaining Knee Sleeves

  • Keep knee sleeves clean: While knee sleeves can be machine-washed and dried, they’re straightforward to clean by hand. Fill a sink or a bucket with warm water, add a bit of mild detergent and swish the knee sleeves around. Rinse the knee sleeves thoroughly, and then hang them to dry.

  • Create a knee sleeve rotation: If you wear knee sleeves for multiple workouts or multiple times per week, switch them out every few uses. You are rotating your knee sleeves when possible will extend their life and keep them feeling fresh for longer.

  • Store knee sleeves properly: Even when you’re not wearing knee sleeves, you should take care of them. Store knee sleeves in a drawer or a bag, so they’re not collecting dust and grime.

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