Do Girth Exercises Really Work?

Girth exercises are a type of exercise that is often associated with penis problems. This type of exercise is not aimed to extend your penis size. It is one of the methods tried by those who complain about the thickness and length of the penis.

Girth Exercises methods, how are they done?

If you think you have a small penis, there are several exercises to enlarge your penis. We can also call these length and girth exercises. These are types of exercises that target the length and circumference of the penis.

In these exercises, you usually have to pull your penis to increase its size. The benefits of exercises may vary according to each penis type.

The duration of the effect also depends on how often and how you do it. You should definitely stay away from a program like Hours a day. This can damage your penis.

Girth exercises, increasing the girth helps. You should try the method in which the penis is thickened by the pulling method without an erection. While doing this exercise, you should also show special attention to not having an erection. In this exercise, your focus should be on the thickness of the penis rather than the size.

What Are The Benefits Of Stretching Exercises For The Penis?

In these exercises, which we will also call jelqing exercises, the main focus is to gain more flexibility of the penis. At the same time, it is a useful exercise for the length of the penis while stretching it.

To do this exercise, the person must be standing. It is important to stand up for the blood flow to be fully ensured. After removing your clothes completely, you should take your soft penis between your palms.

First, start stretching your penis in a horizontal position with your thumb and forefinger without squeezing it too much. You should not feel pain while doing this exercise in a slowly move manner. The method will take no more than a minute.

After a minute of exercise, you need to take a break for ten seconds. At this time, you should shake your penis slowly. You should try this method constantly, the duration of action will vary according to the base of your penis.

Increase Girth Exercises

Should You Use a Penis Pump?

There is no need for a penis pump during these girth exercises. It is completely natural and you can do it by hand. Traction devices, poor quality ones, can cause permanent damage. You should not feel pain during penile enlargement exercises and you should try natural exercise methods with slow movements as much as possible.

One of the things you should pay attention to when using a penis pump is the amount of pressure. If you experience an erection while using this device, you must change the amount of pressure again. Otherwise, you may be damaged. These are devices that should be used with care and attention.

Penis extenders usually make our job even easier. But exercises with your own hands are always the safest way. Because these devices are not different sizes for each penis. They can also cause serious harm if not handled with care.

Thicken Your Penis With Tightening Method

The tightening method is one of the girth exercises. If your penis becomes hard during this process, you must stop the application. Using this method on hardened penises, the result can be painful. If you have an erect penis, you should stop applying it immediately.

In this method, you need to grasp the head of your penis with your palm. You must be careful not to overtighten. Then, in an upright position, you should pull the penis upwards at an angle of 90 degrees.

You should not do this movement for more than thirty seconds. After a certain period of time, the penis may begin to harden. If this happens, you should take a one-minute break from the exercise.

This process will take fifteen minutes in total. For fifteen minutes, you should continue the exercise by taking rest breaks in between.

After applying this process, the blood circulation in your penis will increase significantly. Therefore, your penis will have a thicker appearance. You will notice that you have a thicker penis in maintaining an erection.

Penis Enlargement Method with Penis Massage

Another method is massage. It is quite difficult to enlarge the penis, except for the surgical intervention. But the methods of thickening can be possible with exercises. Also, you can get a thicker penis with some massage methods applied with cream.

The exerciser needs to apply the cream from the beginning to the end of your penis. You must be careful not to get into the tip. In such a case, rinse the area with plenty of water.

You should also make sure that you are not allergic to the cream you are using. Make sure to use a trusted brand of cream.

You will do this again with your thumb and forefinger. You have to pull your penis hard from root to tip. Use both hands to make the movement as fast as possible. You should do this exercise quickly, rhythmically switching from one hand to the other.

This process will take a few minutes. After completing the exercise, swelling will occur in your penis. After taking a break for a while, you should completely clean the creamy area with water. Do not leave your penis creamy.

Are Girth Exercises Good for Erectile Dysfunction?

These penis enlargement exercises will not do you any good if you are experiencing erectile dysfunction. Girth exercises only help in thickening your penis. Likewise, these exercises do not provide much benefit in penis enlargement.

If you are experiencing erection problems, you should discuss this with your doctor before exercising and taking medications. Because this is an issue where surgical interventions may be necessary.