What is Tourette Syndrome? Learn in 2 Minutes

What is Tourette Syndrome? – Have you ever suffered from tics? Or is your child in such a situation? Or a relative? No matter who it is, Tourette’s Syndrome, or tic, is a disturbing condition. What can we do against Tourette Syndrome? What is it? Let’s examine our topic.

What is Tourette Syndrome?

What is Tourette Syndrome? This disease, which generally begins to appear at a young age, causes involuntary reflexes in the body. If left untreated, it can increase significantly and be much more disturbing.

Tourette Syndrome was first encountered in 1825. It is named after the French doctor neurologist Georges Gilles de la Tourette. Georges Gilles de la Tourette defined this syndrome as “a neurological or “neurochemical” inherited disorder consisting of involuntary, rapid, sudden bodily tics and vocal tics that occur at short intervals. made in the form.

Tics may occur suddenly in someone with Tourette Syndrome. These tics are; non-rhythmic, rapid, repetitive and stereotypical motor movements or vocalizations. It is an irresistible inconvenience. In later stages, communication problems may arise. It can negatively affect quality of life.

Among the most common symptoms are; There are head shaking, eyebrow-eye movement, blinking, animal sounds, eye-rolling, shoulder movement movements.

All you know about the disease

Tourette Syndrome can start to show symptoms at a very young age. To express numerically, the ages of 5-6 are the ages when Tourette Syndrome is most common. It usually disappears at the end of adolescence. If the treatment method is not applied, it may be a disease that lives with you for life. For a full diagnosis to be made, the person must have at least two symptoms (Social and vocal tics). In addition, these tics must begin before the age of 18.

Symptomatic tics tend to increase with different moods in the person. For example ; In cases of fatigue, nervousness and panic, anxiety and excitement, an increase in the severity of tics and differences can be observed.

If you have hobbies that require motivation (and if you don’t, you should definitely get them) this disease will pass without you even realizing it. What hobbies require motivation? if you say. For example ; This list can extend to sports, painting, cycling, running, playing an instrument and even singing. Nowadays, it is so easy to get a hobby or discover a hobby that we are sure that you will not have any difficulties.

What are the general personality traits of those with Tourette’s Syndrome?

According to Kanner (Leo Kanner), the general characteristics of those who have Tourette’s Syndrome; They are oversensitive, easily excited, restless, bored, touchy, intelligent and conscious personalities.

Of course, when you explain it this way, there are naturally general expressions that cover everyone. There is no such thing as certain that those who have these personality traits will have this disease. You continue with your general life routine. Do not neglect to take up a hobby and especially to do sports.

What is Tourette Syndrome? Thus, we have concluded our topic. We hope you’ve researched this topic just because you’re curious.