What Is The Eastern Continental Divide

The Eastern Continental Divide is the primary dividing point for water flowing from the east side of the Rocky Mountains. It’s a natural divide that separates rivers, streams, and tributaries flowing east toward the Atlantic Ocean versus those flowing west toward the Pacific Ocean. What is the eastern continental divide? This divide begins on the western edge of Glacier National Park in Montana and continues to the Atlantic Ocean.

Why Is There An Continental Divide?

The Eastern Continental Divide is the primary water divide for the east side of the Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains are a massive mountain range, and rivers begin on the east side of the range.

Due to the immense size of the Rocky Mountains and their location, rivers on the east side flow towards the Atlantic Ocean. The Eastern Continental Divide is primarily found on the east side of the Rocky Mountains. There’s also a Western Continental Divide.

Rivers on the west side of the Rocky Mountains flow towards the Pacific Ocean. The Western Continental Divide is primarily found on the western side of the Rocky Mountains.

What Are The Differences Between The Eastern And Western Continental Divides?

East and Western Continental Divide are the primary water divides for the east and west sides of the Rocky Mountains. The significant difference between the two divides is where they’re found.

The Western Continental Divide is primarily found on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. It is on the Rocky Mountains’ eastern side. Generally, it is located at lower elevations than the Western Continental Divide. This is because the Rocky Mountains are much higher in elevation on the western side.

The Western Continental is much higher in elevation than the Eastern.

What Is The Continental Divide? How To Find The Eastern Continental Divide

We’ve already discussed it is primarily found on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains. This means you’ll want to look on the east side of the Rockies to find it.

The easiest way to find the Eastern Continental Divide is by using a map. Find a map that shows the Rocky Mountains and follows the Eastern Divide. Most maps will show it, so finding it shouldn’t be difficult. 

You can also find it in person. Many landmarks and locations are along the divide. Glaciers are one example of a prominent feature along it. You can also find the Eastern Continental Divide in national parks and other areas along the divide.

Rivers That Flow Along The Continental Divide

Many rivers flow along the Eastern Continental Divide. Some of the major rivers include the Potomac River, Mississippi River, Susquehanna River, Hudson River, and Merrimack River. These rivers are among the longest rivers in the United States.

They’re also some of the most massive rivers in the world. All these rivers flow along the Eastern Continental Divide. They begin on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains and flow east towards the Atlantic Ocean. These are some of the most prominent rivers in the eastern United States. They’re also some of the most iconic rivers in the world.

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