How to Care for Aloe Vera? Does Aloe Vera Love the Sun? – Aloe vera plant is also known as Medicinal Aloe. Although it may seem easy for everyone to grow plants, it is not. It is important to understand the language of plants, to treat them correctly at the right time. The Aloe Vera plant is also among the important plants you need to understand. Because besides being a panacea, he does not expect much.
How to Care for Aloe Vera?
How to Care for Aloe Vera? – Aloe Vera plant is beneficial against many problems such as our skin health, hair health and digestive system. Aloe Vera, which has been grown mostly in the Mediterranean and Africa for centuries, can easily enter anyone’s home today. This plant, which was used to send off even the pharaohs to their last journey, continues to serve humanity with its numerous benefits today. As a result, it becomes necessary to grow such a useful plant in our home.
Does Aloe Vera Love the Sun?
After getting to know the aloe vera plant roughly, let’s start to convey the information on how to care. If you live in the tropics, you can easily look after the aloe vera plant in your garden or indoors. Does Aloe Vera Love the Sun?. Yes. Aloe vera loves sunlight. Overwatering is not recommended. It can continue to grow healthily even in low light.
How to Care for Aloe Vera? ;
Total Time: 7 days and 10 hours
Step One
When you want to use fresh aloe vera, do not cut the leaves.
Step Two
To use the aloe vera leaf, cut the leaf from the root.
Step Three
Use the same method to remove dead leaves.
Step Four
Sprinkle pebbles over the soil to prevent your plant’s water from evaporating too quickly.
Step Five
Water your aloe vera less in winter and more in summer.
Step Six
If your plant is outdoors, it will be sufficient to water it once every two weeks.
Final Step
If your plant is indoors, water it every three or four weeks.
These are all the secrets to growing a healthy aloe vera plant.
How to revive wilted aloe vera?
Reviving a wilted aloe vera plant is easy. Root rot is the biggest cause of the aloe vera plant wilting and looking unhealthy. So, what is the solution to root rot? Let’s explain.
Materials needed to revive the wilted aloe vera plant;
- Trowel
- Secateurs
- Gloves (optional)
- Pot (pot)
- Bottle for spraying water
- Potting soil for succulent plants (adjust amount compared to pot)
If the materials necessary to revive our aloe vera plant are ready, let’s move on to the process now.
To revive the withered aloe vera plant;
- Let’s open the edges of the potting soil with a trowel
- Grasp the lower part of the plant and pull gently.
- Make sure the roots are cleaned by spraying water.
- Let’s examine its roots.
- The point we need to pay attention to in the roots is that the roots are black and misty.
- Let’s cut the black and misty roots with scissors.
- If there are wilted leaves, let’s clean them too.
- Hazırladığınız saksının yarısına kadar etli toprağı doldurun.
- Aloe vera bitkisinin köklerine su püskürtün.
- Saksıya yerleştirin ve ardından etli toprağı saksıya tamamlayın. Ancak yapraklarının örtülmemesine dikkat edin.
- Son olarak aloe vera bitkinizi yeni saksısında biraz sulayarak güneş gören bir yere yerleştirin.
Your wilted aloe vera plant will soon regain its health. How to Care for Aloe Vera? We have given all the answers to your question.
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