How To Attract Ancestor Moth Swarms

The more you know about your family history, the more you might want to explore it further by finding out more about your ancestors. The most obvious way to do this is by speaking to your grandparents or other relatives and finding out as much information as possible about those who have passed on. However, not everyone has the same amount of access to their family history. If you cannot find out as much from your living relatives, then there are other ways of exploring your ancestors. This involves attracting ancestor moth swarms so that they reveal secret details about your background. Finding how to attract ancestor moth swarms will hopefully provide answers you’ve been searching for for a long time.

What is an Ancestor Moth Swarm?

An ancestor moth swarm is a natural phenomenon that allows you to speak with your deceased ancestors. When an ancestor moth swarm is present, words, sounds and images will appear on the surface of the host object. You can use any object, but the best results have been found with a wooden surface or paper – perhaps a letter was written by the ancestor you wish to communicate with. Also, you can use an ancestor moth swarm to ask specific questions or communicate with an ancestor who has been with you all along but whose presence you have been unaware of. You can also use an ancestor moth swarm to help you make decisions or receive guidance or reassurance from an ancestor looking out for you. An ancestor moth swarm may also help you solve a family mystery by providing clues to a puzzle that has been unsolved for generations.

How to attract Ancestor Moth Swarms

When you want to attract an ancestor moth swarm, you need to create a conducive environment so that they feel welcome and open to speaking with you. Doing this will also help you create a space where you can be open and receptive to receiving messages from the deceased. To begin, try sitting quietly in a place where you feel comfortable and safe. After this, you need to prepare the surface where you will place your ancestor’s message. You might want to use a wooden surface, like a wooden plate, box, or bowl. Alternatively, you can use a piece of paper or a journal. The surface should be clean, and you should avoid using anything previously used for eating or drinking.

Why would you want to attract an Ancestor Moth Swarm?

If you’ve been curious about your family history and want to find out more about your ancestors, then finding how to attract ancestor moth swarms could be the perfect solution to your problem. By attracting an ancestor moth swarm, you can communicate with your deceased ancestors and find out more about them, their lives, and the lives of your relatives who have passed on. The information you receive could help you solve family mysteries and find out more about your family history. It could also help you come to terms with your past, and that death is a normal part of life. Communicating with your deceased ancestors can also help you feel more connected to your family history and roots by better understanding your past. It can be particularly helpful if you have limited access to your family or don’t know much about your relatives’ lives.

Things you need to attract an Ancestor Moth Swarm

If you want to attract an ancestor moth swarm, you need to create a clean and welcoming environment for them. It would help if you did this in a quiet and private place, with minimal distractions, fully immerse yourself in the ritual. Before you begin, you should ensure that you are sitting comfortably, with minimal distractions, and surrounded by things that make you feel safe. You’ll also need to prepare the surface where you’ll place the ancestor’s message. You can use a wooden surface, like a wooden plate, box or bowl. Alternatively, you can use a piece of paper or a journal. The surface should be clean, and you should avoid using anything previously used for eating or drinking. You’ll also need to create a space to fully immerse yourself in the ritual to fully receive the messages that your ancestors want to communicate to you through the swarm.

How to perform the ritual to summon the swarm

You need to clean your chosen surface when you’re ready to begin. You can do this by wiping it down with a mild bleach solution, ritually cleansing it with sage, or washing it with a sea salt and water mixture. Once you have cleaned the surface, you need to place it in an area where it won’t be disturbed. It’s best to place the surface on a table or shelf, as you want to make sure that it is raised so that the swarm can swarm. Next, you need to clear your mind and be open and receptive to whatever messages the swarm has for you. Take a few deep breaths, and focus on the surface in front of you. Once you feel ready, you can begin the ritual to summon the swarm.


When people think of their ancestry, they may think of things like family trees and family heirlooms, but they don’t always consider that they may be able to communicate with their deceased ancestors through a moth swarm. Ancestor moths are usually grey, brown, or black and are usually around 1-2 inches long. They will choose a surface they like and make it their home, usually in a dark, quiet place. Once you have found a surface covered in ancestor moths, you have discovered a way of communicating with your deceased relatives. Finding how to attract ancestor moth swarms could be the perfect way to find out more about your family history and let you know more about your deceased relatives.